plans & pricing

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drop-in class Options

If you're schedule's a little inconsistent and you need the flexibility to drop-in whenever it works for you, then the Drop-In Class punchcards are the way to go!

TurnUp Class Drop-Ins

Starting at $11/session

G.E.M. Session Drop-Ins

Starting at $15/session

Membership Options

A Membership at TurnUp Waco is the best way to become the healthier, happier, more confident you! Our Memberships save you $$ and provide accountability and encourage consistency; we want you to see and feel the payoff. You'll never regret a love-fueled investment into your self-care! 

TurnUp Class Memberships

Starting at $34/month

G.E.M. Memberships

Starting at $34/month

Our Best Value

ALL ACCESS Memberships

ALL ACCESS - Unlimited TurnUp studio classes & G.E.M. Sessions: Starting at $49/month!